Spirit Readings


What is a spirit reading?

A sit down conversation with Spirit, where I relay any messages from Spirit that I’ve received up to 24 hours prior to the reading or right there on the spot.

Often I impart spiritual practices you can incorporate into your life, which bring more light and love into your life and clear away any residual emotions attached to past trauma.

There’s also time for questions you may have and I often use the Tarot Cards for further clarity about the dynamics of your life and the best approach moving forward.


This process provides great clarity regarding your current state of being, the role you’re playing in your current life path or direction and how it can be improved.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Consultation FEE: $200


Text Mark on 0409 390 663 to arrange an appointment.

Note that all of the sessions have an accumulative healing and clarifying effect on the body, psyche and your life, over time.

While a one off session on occasion is powerful, real progress occurs with multiple sessions over time, the frequency of which can be customised to your needs.

Visit the testimonials section here: www.mvl.fyi/testimonials